Introduction to IYS

IYS Skills Tech provides skills analytics solutions powered by a robust Skills and Occupations Taxonomy

IYS Skills Tech is a Skills Analytics company.

At the core there is this IYS Skills and Occupations Taxonomy (ISOT) - a database of skills. Can be called a competency library or skills library. The objective of ISOT is to enable Skills Profiling of people and jobs.

Around ISOT there are applications for Organizations focused on skills management and analytics. Employee Skills Analytics is focused on employees and Candidates Skills Analytics on Recruitment.

As we can see IYS is focused on skills - the currency of Human Capital. IYS believes we need a greater focus and better tools and ways to map, track and manage skills. And this is applicable to all three levels of society - individuals, organizations and nations. Solutions from IYS are an attempt to contribute to this process. Read some more thoughts of IYS on skills

In the subsequent sections we will go into different blocks that form IYS.

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