IYS Employee Skills Analytics
Employee Skills Analytics, enables Skills Profiling of employees and roles and from thereon use of the skills data for several activities in management and development of skills.
What is IYS Employee Skills Analytics (ESA) application
ESA is a Software As A Service (SAAS) application for oragnizations or businesses i.e. it is a B2B application.
Purpose of ESA
ESA seeks to improve productivity and quality of results in the areas related to Human Capital Management such as Workforce Deployment, Learning & Development and Career Planning.
Problem it is trying to solve
Better utilization of "skills" of people. Here are some of the use cases of ESA:
. we can compare skills profiles of individuals with that of the role or job they are in and indicate the gaps in the skills of the individuals for them to focus their development efforts on
. similarly individuals can identify for the jobs or roles they aspire for, the gaps in their skills and focus on development of these. This will democratize career planning. Individuals themselves can see what opportunities are there for them and what they are missing in terms of skills.
. learning and development programs can be personalized and individual specific
. tracking of progress on skills developed will be easier and data driven
. planning of moving people between roles in coming quarters or years will become more scientific
. collaborative problem solving and knowledge sharing will improve as one will be able to reach out to the right people with the right skills for help in solving a problem or collaborating on a new idea
. hire or develop decisions will become more data driven. An analysis at macro level on skills across organization can help identify potentials who could be trained for a role instead of hiring from outside.
. strategic coupling of business and HR plans becomes data drive and skills-data-driven. For example based on product roadmaps, skills required can be mapped and thus planned or based on availability of skills within business plans can be redrawn.
Features of ESA application
The biggest and the most significant aspect of ESA is that it comes with built-in skills taxonomy. This means that companies do not have to spend time, effort or money creating "competencies". And the competencies they will see in the application are current and latest. Here are the application features:
Employee Skills Profiling
Employees can create their Skills Profiles using the IYS Skills Profiler that is embedded in the application.
The Employee Skills Profile is sent to Reporting Manager for their feedback and review.
Employees can also seek feedback from peers (Peer Review) which is anonymous. This can be quite useful for the employees.
Role Skills Profiling
Skills Profiles for the different roles (may or may not be Titles.....for example for a "Software Development" title we could have "Java Developer" and "Python Developer" as two roles) can be created using the IYS Skills Profiler.
HR can assign people who need to create the Role Skills Profile and thus this is a distributed process
RSP are assigned to role and thus the employees who are playing that role.
Skills Inventory report
Aggregation and presentation of all the skills in the companies, the number of people with these skills, the average proficiency level of employees in these skills, the number of employees in each of the four proficiency levels.
From macro, one can go to the micro view. For example, for a particular skill one can go into who those employees with that skill are and from there to the specific employee's skills profile.
Report can sliced and diced or filtered on different criteria such as title, skills, role and org unit.
Skills Gap Analysis
Skills Gap is the gap between the proficiency level required of an individual in a particular skill vis a vis the proficiency level required in that skill for a job.
One can see for the entire organization for all the skills, the gaps in the skills and the level of gaps in those skills.
The skills gap data can be sliced and diced and filtered on skills, skill category, role or org unit.
Skills Gap Analysis can be done for a specific role to see which of the employees' skills are matching closely to that required for the role and the extent of match or gap.
Skills Matching
For a Skills Profile the system can a matching algorithm to identify the people who fit closest to that skills profile. This can be very useful for one identify people in case of position falling vacant or for planning resource (re-)allocation.
Career Planning
Individuals can see gaps in their skills vis a vis that of the role they are in
Employees can run the Best algo to see the most closely matching roles to theirs to understand career opportunities and understanding gaps in their skills vis a vis the roles they aspire for.
So who is the target audience / persona for ESA? In small and medium size companies the decision makers include CEO, COO, Managing Director, Director Operations, and HR people like CHRO / CPO, HR Head, L&D (Learning and Development) Managers. In large companies (say over 10,000) the champions will the HR people who will then take it to other stakeholders in the company. Large companies are also likely to have people in HR Analytics / People Analytics / Workforce Analytics and HRIS or HR Systems people. Managers and above could be our target. We can also segment the companies into two based on importance of skills. Those in IT, consulting and Professional services are likely to have diverse people and for them skills information will be more useful than that for other companies. So they could be given priority.
Pricing Model Companies are charged on Pay Per User model. So if the application includes say 100 employees or Users then they pay for 100 employees into per employee subscription fee. The benchmark per employee per year subscription fee is USD 10. For 20 employee it is free.
Last updated
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